You can’t have true wealth without first having wellness! If “your health is your wealth?” Then prioritizing your mental health is your treasure trove! Don’t get it twisted. Your physical wellness is wildly important, but your mental wellness is what controls your overall well being. This 21-day accountability challenge has been created to help you navigate your way to mental WELLth mind, body, and soul. And in true LRM fashion, we believe that the well of wealth and health can be found in your JOY! With this challenge we will be taking time to combine the JOYs of optimizing your mental wellness and leveling up your financial WELL-ness. Get it? Are you ready to take the challenge? Sign up, grab a friend, and get ready to transform in JOY - one feel good thing at a time. The Mental WELLth Challenge kicks off Monday May 3rd!
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app