About JOYrney To Purpose®
It all started with an accidental hobby (handmade jewelry) and a simple tagline "live rich." Now almost two decades later, what God started as an activity to occupy summer vacations has turned into a full-fledged movement.
JOYrney To Purpose® is community of people living RICH in Purpose, Faith, Creativity, and JOY! Why? Because the more you live in your JOY and your purpose, the more you're able to access FREEDOM! Freedom from the mess of the world we live in, freedom from past traumas that keep you bound, and freedom from the expectations others so you can live in the calling that was placed on your life when you were created.
The JOYrney is not about Living RICH and having all the money in the world – but it's about gaining an abundance of peace so that you can live intentionally aligned in your purpose no matter what's happening in the world around you.
The moment you are able to access freedom in your JOY you will able to bless others in a way that flows effortlessly and with JOY that radiates! Start living a life doing less of what you "have to do," and more of what you WANT to do. So get started on your JOYrney to Purpose™ today; The world is waiting!
On this JOYrney together, ONE feel-good thing at a time!
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